Melanzane a Funghetto

The favorite vegetable of the summer season is the star of this so simple to make, so scrumptious to eat contorno Napoletano. Bite size pieces of melanzane, aka aubergines or eggplant are sautéed in olive oil until they are soft, golden brown and look like little mushrooms.

Hence the name Melanzane a Funghetto, Mulignane a Fungetiello in Neapolitan or Eggplant cooked in the style of small mushrooms. At least that's what I'm told.

Of course, this was rather confusing to me the first time I ordered it and found nary a trace of mushrooms in the dish. But once my expectations were readjusted, I became a huge fan of this easy to make and very versatile Neapolitan delight.

Not only is it a delicious contorno, but you can serve it hot or cold as an antipasto.  Make it with or without pomodorini, use it as a topping for your favorite panini or impress your friends with a gourmet plate of crostini.

Still hungry for more? Toss it on a pizzetta fritta or a pizza margherita. And of course, it is a great "sauce" to condition your favorite pasta.

How will you serve your Melanzane a Funghetto?


1 kg Fresh Eggplant

400 grams Cherry Tomatoes

2 Cloves Garlic

Fresh Basil



Olive oil (non Extra Virgin)


Prepare the Tomatoes

  • Halve the tomatoes

  • Chop 5-6 basil leaves

  • Saute garlic (whole or halved as you prefer) over medium heat

  • Turn heat to high and add tomatoes and basil and cook 3 - 4 mins

  • Turn heat down to medium and cook about 15 minutes partially covered

  • Remove the garlic

Prepare the Eggplant

  • Cut off the tops and bottoms and quarter the eggplant

  • Trim off the seedy center and dice the eggplant

  • Put the eggplant in a large bowl of salted water and let sit about 15 minutes (some varieties may not need this step)

  • Squeeze the water out of the eggplant and set aside

Bring the dish together

  • Heat oil over medium high heat

  • Fry a batch of eggplant at a time until golden brown

  • Remove the eggplant to a serving dish with a slotted spoon

  • Add salt and mix through

  • Let rest for about 5 minutes

  • Add in the tomatoes

  • Add a few basil leaves and stir through

Buon Appetito!

Melanzane a Funghetto was first published on on June 21, 2011 as part of NU’s Cooking with Giuseppe series.

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Frittata di Maccheroni alla Napoletana


Pasta e Fagioli con le Cozze