She Blog

Places • Faces • Stories

From the Road Less Traveled

Places Bonnie Alberts Places Bonnie Alberts

Esse Purse Museum

The permanent collection at Little Rock’s Esse Purse Museum is What’s Inside: A History of Women and Handbags 1900-1999.

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She Thinks Bonnie Alberts She Thinks Bonnie Alberts

International Women’s Day 2017

I touched on the theme of a better working world for women for International Women’s Day 2016. My question then is the same as it is now. In the more than three decades since I took the oath and went off to boot camp, have women serving in the US Navy made any great strides?

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She Thinks Bonnie Alberts She Thinks Bonnie Alberts

International Women’s Day 2016

For International Women’s Day this year, I wanted to write a long post about the women in my life. The women that have guided and inspired me; collaborated and conspired with me; helped me, consoled me or lent a sympathetic ear;

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Faces Bonnie Alberts Faces Bonnie Alberts

Behind the Music with Stefania Rinaldi

In 2002 a young woman stepped up to the podium of the oldest and one of the most beautiful Opera Houses in Europe, the San Carlo Theater. Certainly, a hushed silence must have washed over the crowd as they waited for her arm to raise, the music to begin.

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She Titles


The Napoli Unplugged Guide to Naples

Written by Bonnie Alberts, Barbara Zaragoza and Penny Ewles-Bergeron. Designed by Erin Romano. Photography by Bonnie Alberts. Illustrations by Kelly MedfordLorenzo Dotti, and Simonetta Capecchi.

Written for the intrepid traveler seeking an immersive Neapolitan experience, the Napoli Unplugged Guide to Naples features in-depth coverage of historic and cultural landmarks and over 100 beautifully composed photographs, plein air paintings and hand-painted cartography. Read more about the NU Guide – awards, press, bios and more here.

She Features

Curated Itineraries for Naples + the Amalfi Coast