Little Rock Farmers Market

If it’s in season in Arkansas, chances are you’ll find it at the Little Rock Farmers Market. Farm to your table, buy fresh, local produce directly from Arkansas growers and producers. Arkansas Grown fresh fruit and vegetables, herbs, plants and flowers, and artisanal meats are on offer next to Arkansas Made cottage foods such as jams, jellies and honeys, and a variety of handmade arts and crafts.

In addition to great products, there is always a special event or guest sprouting up at the Little Rock Farmers Market. The Garden Gourmet Chef Series courtesy of the Pulaski Tech Culinary School at the University of Arkansas, the Lil’ Farmers Kids Club, a Master Gardener, or a musical entertainer are just a few.  Dog-friendly, the market also hosts pet adoptions from Rock City Rescue and the Mid-South Greyhound Adoption Option.

Good to Know

  • Open seasonally, Saturdays May through September

  • The Farmer’s Market is located in the open-air pavilions behind the Ottenheimer Market Hall in Little Rock’s Riverfront Park.

  • The market and parking are free

visit the Little Rock farmer’s market

400 President Clinton Avenue
Little Rock, Arkansas 72291

Open Saturdays 7:00 am – 3:00 pm, early May through September.

Admission free.

More info
Little Rock Farmers Market
(501) 375-2552

Little Rock Farmer’s Market was first published on on August 10, 2020.

She Creations From Little Rock

Clinton Presidential Park Bridge and Wetlands, Little Rock, Arkansas
from $15.00
Broadway Bridge
from $35.00
Magnolia Mobil Gas Station, Little Rock, Arkansas
from $15.00

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